Jessica Fries, A4S

Executive Chairman, The Prince's Accounting for Sustainability Project (A4S)
Chief Financial Officers and their finance teams
A4S works with Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) across the globe to integrate economic, environmental and social issues into business strategy, processes and decision making.
Ruth Porat, Alphabet and Google

Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Alphabet and Google.
Ruth is supporting formation of the US Chapter of the CFO Leadership Network.
“As a true visionary, Your Royal Highness was the earliest convenor of public and private institutions seeking to have them work together to make the world a more sustainable place.”
Graeme Pitkethly, Unilever

Chief Financial Officer, Unilever
Vice Chair, Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
“A4S owes much of its success to Your Royal Highness’s ability to bring together different players – whether business, investor, pension trustee, government regulator or professional body – and to help them confront the issues from their different perspectives and to encourage them to work together to find solutions.”
Vania Maria da Costa Borgerth, Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES)

Deputy Controller Director, Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES)
Member, A4S Expert Panel
“You were able to raise in me a sense of pride for the difference my humble profession can make.”
Sandra Anani, Sustainability to Action

Director and Founder, Sustainability to Action
Coordinator, Gulf Finance Leaders Circle of Practice
“Learning about integrated thinking and reporting made me realise the tremendous value of this work and how we must incorporate this within the Gulf region.”
Brian Lawson, Brookfield Asset Managment

Senior Managing Partner and Chief Financial Officer, Brookfield Asset Managment
Member of the A4S CFO Leadership Network
“I believe the approach taken by A4S is also very strategic and differs from other organizations committed to sustainability because A4S recognizes the key role that finance will play in creating behavioural change”
Pamela Steer, Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)

Chief Financial Officer, Head of Finance and Employer Services, Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
Member of the A4S CFO Leadership Network
“I came away from that experience [Summit in 2015] inspired to do more and to work with my colleagues across the accounting and finance profession to make Canada a leader in sustainability.”
David McGraw, Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan

Chief Financial Officer, Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan
Member of the A4S CFO Leadership Network
“A4S is a unique, forward-looking organization that was way ahead of its time when it was formed by Your Royal Highness in 2004.”
Susan Davy, Pennon Group

Chief Financial Officer, Pennon Group
Member of the A4S CFO Leadership Network
"Through A4S, and as a founder member of the CFO network, I have been inspired by the way the group has come together so passionately and cooperatively to embed sustainability into the financial decision making behind these projects.”
Julie Brown, Burberry Group

Chief Operating and Financial Officer, Burberry Group
Member of the A4S CFO Leadership Network
“Being part of the A4S network has provided a unique opportunity to collaborate with leading organisations and advance our understanding of key sustainability challenges.”
Judith Batchelar OBE, Sainsbury’s

Director of Brand, Sainsbury’s
Member of the A4S Executive Board and Communciations Group
“HRH’s overview of these complex agendas, combined with the real insights that come from a lifetime devoted to the subject matter, results in conviction that is both infectious and resilient”
Javier Echave, Heathrow Airport

Chief Financial Officer, Heathrow Airport
Member of the A4S CFO Leadership Network
"Once we’d launched Heathrow 2.0, A4S was an inevitable next step. We realised that our financial decision-making needed to evolve if we were going to make the sustainable choices that would deliver our vision and A4S has helped us to do it. Working with other members to find inspiration and share best-practice has helped us achieve the progress we have made so far."
Gregor Alexander, SSE

Finance Director, SSE
Member of the A4S CFO Leadership Network
"We have since 2006 had a core value of sustainability and making the correct long term decisions which aligned with the principle aim of the A4S project, to transform financial decision making."
Joy Linton, Bupa

Chief Financial Officer, Bupa
Former member of the A4S CFO Leadership Network
“Our commitment to A4S was one of the drivers behind the creation of the Bupa Energy Saver Fund (‘ESF Fund’), a financing model that enabled our regional Market Units to build low-carbon technologies into our properties”
Scott Longhurst, Anglian Water Group

MD Finance & Non-Regulated Business, Anglian Water Group
Member of the A4S CFO Leadership Network
“The A4S mission was a great way of engaging and inspiring the whole finance team so that they fully understood the intrinsic link between a successful sustainability strategy and a successful business, and how finance individuals could play a key role in supporting and delivering that strategy.”
Alan Stewart, Tesco

Chief Financial Officer, Tesco
Member of the A4S CFO Leadership Network
“I know that the work of A4S acts as a strong and important support to many people working in finance in businesses, at all levels”
Kate Bowyer, The Crown Estate

Chief Financial Officer, The Crown Estate
Member of the A4S CFO Leadership Network
“A4S has given us an opportunity to connect with like-minded organisations and to learn from them on our journey to fully integrated annual reporting”
John Lelliott, The Natural Capital Coalition

Chairman, The Natural Capital Coalition
Member, A4S Advisory Council
Former member of the A4S CFO Leadership Network
“My interaction with A4S fed into and strengthened my interest in promoting integrated reporting and non-financial reporting more generally, and my drive to catalyse positive change in the accountancy profession by supporting a shift away from a sole focus on financial returns.”
Geraldine Matchett, Royal DSM

Chief Financial Officer, Royal DSM
Member of the A4S CFO Leadership Network
"Through my engagement with the A4S network, I have come to realize the importance of developing a finance culture in which sustainability is fully embraced. Our active role in the A4S Finance Culture project is a result of this. The work of the project team will help finance professionals realize how much impact they can have and empower them to help shape the next phase in the evolution of Finance."
Robin Stalker, A4S Ambassador

A4S Ambassador and Member, A4S Advisory Council
Former Chief Financial Officer, adidas, and member of the A4S CFO Leadership Network
“While CFO for adidas, inspired by His Royal Highness’s call to action, I implemented a decision making methodology called Integrated Performance Management which attempts to force awareness of the impact of decision alternatives, also on our environmental footprint.”
Roger Seabrook, Unilever

Vice President of Finance Marketing and Sustainability, Unilever
Chairman of the A4S CFO Leadership Network’s Enhancing Investor Engagement Working Group
“Conversation inspired by A4S has enabled great progress to be made in understanding the barriers to longer term discussions.”
John Rogers, Sainsbury's Argos

Chief Executive Officer, Argos
Member, A4S Advisory Council
Former member of the A4S CFO Leadership Network
“Through the work with A4S, the broader networking of the group and our evaluation of our progress on the sustainability maturity model, we embedded sustainability as a factor into all our major capital investment decision papers that go to the Board for approval.”
Mark Hawkins, Salesforce

President and Chief Financial Officer, Salesforce
Member of the A4S CFO Leadership Network
"investing in sustainability just makes good business sense."
Chandrajit Banerjee, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)

Director General, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)
A4S's core objectives are only achievable through the vital support we receive from the global accounting community. This community includes the large global accounting firms, institutes and bodies.
Paul Druckman, Financial Reporting Council

Non Executive Director, Financial Reporting Council
Former Chief Executive Officer, International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC)
Former Chairman, A4S Executive Board
“The enormous contribution your leadership has played in providing the intellectual and practical impetus that is accelerating an end to the polarization between our natural world and the financial measurements used to track economic, business and investment performance”
Stephen Harrison, Global Accounting Alliance (GAA)

Chief Executive Officer, Global Accounting Alliance (GAA)
Member of the A4S Accounting Bodies Network
“I now recognise Your Royal Highness was a forceful public voice ahead of its time; never daunted by the sceptics; putting opinions into action.”
Geoff Lane, PwC

Partner, PwC
Member, A4S Expert Panel
“Your Royal Highness’s role in bringing together all the necessary international organisations to establish the International Integrated Reporting Council and, more recently, the Task Force on Climate related Financial Disclosure will, I believe, be seen in the future as major milestones.”
Michael D. M. Izza, Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW),

Chief Executive Officer, Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), Member, A4S Advisory Council and Member of the A4S Accounting Bodies Network
“Your Royal Highness has continued to show great leadership in promoting to business and finance their obligations to the planet.”
Wim Bartels, KPMG Netherlands

Partner, KPMG Netherlands
Member, Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), and Member, A4S Expert Panel
“The focus that Accounting for Sustainability puts on the financial functionaries of organizations is the most powerful approach taken.”
Alan Teixeira, Deloitte

Global Director of IFRS Research, Deloitte
Former Technical Director, International Accounting Standards Board, and former Member, International Integrated Reporting Council Working Group
Stathis Gould, International Federation of Accountants (IFAC)

Head of Professional Accountants in Business and Integrated Reporting, International Federation of Accountants (IFAC)
“Crucially, A4S and the ABN have continued to inspire accountancy bodies to deliver guidance on all aspects of sustainability accounting to their members and students.”
Gordon Beal, Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada)

Vice President, Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada)
Director, Canadian Chapter of the A4S CFO Leadership Network, Member of the A4S Accounting Bodies Network
“Your Royal Highness’s conviction that sustainability is an issue that must be core to how businesses operate has been a beacon to myself and others like me, and an inspiration to stay the course.”
David Cruickshank and Veronica Poole, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limit

David Cruickshank, Global Chairman, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited and Member, A4S Advisory Council
Veronica Poole, Global IFRS Leader, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited
John Purcell, CPA Australia

Policy Advisor ESG, CPA Australia
Member of the A4S Accounting Bodies Network
Mark Farrar, Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT)

Chief Executive Officer, Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT)
Member of the A4S Accounting Bodies Network
Helen Brand OBE, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)

Chief Executive Office, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)
Member, A4S Advisory Council
Member of the A4S Accounting Bodies Network
Doug Johnston, EY

Partner, Climate Change and Sustainability, EY
Warwick Hunt, PwC UK

Managing Partner and Chief Operating Officer, PwC UK
Member, A4S Advisory Council
Rachel Campbell, KPMG

Partner, KPMG
Member, A4S Advisory Council
Bruce Cartwright, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS)

Chief Executive Officer, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS)
Member of the A4S Accounting Bodies Network
Rick Ellis, Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand

Chief Executive Officer, Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
Member of the A4S Accounting Bodies Network
Neil Stevenson, International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC)

Managing Director, International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC)
Andrew Harding, Association of International Certified Professional Accountants (AICPA)

Chief Executive of Management Accounting, Association of International Certified Professional Accountants (AICPA)
Member of the A4S Accounting Bodies Network
Professor Ian Ball, Victoria University of Wellington

Professor of Public Financial Management,Victoria University of Wellington
Former Chief Executive Officer, International Federation of Accountants
Founding member, International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC)
Bob Laux, International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC)

North American Lead, International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC)
A4S works with investors, capital markets and the wider finance community to influence the integration of environmental, social and governance factors into investment decision making along the whole investment chain.
Hiromichi Mizuno, Government Pension Investment Fund (Japan)

Executive Managing Director and CIO, Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF)
A member of the Board and Asset Owner Advisory Committee of PRI
“I was so inspired by Your Royal Highness’s speech that I decided to pursue an unconventional role as the CIO of the public pension fund to truly represent a cross-generational investor”
Emma Howard Boyd, Environment Agency

Chair, Environment Agency and Chair, Environment Agency Pension Fund Investment Committee
Member, A4S Executive Board, Member, A4S Asset Owners Network
“The [Asset Owners] Network is providing a valuable environment for Chairs to explore how to increase our resilience to risks associated with climate change and other ESG trends”
Russell Picot, HSBC Bank (UK) Pension Fund

Chairman of the Trustee Board, HSBC Bank (UK) Pension Fund
Special Adviser, FSB Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
Member, A4S Asset Owners Network; Former member, A4S Supervisory Board
“For me personally, participation in A4S and subsequently in IR, significantly broadened my thinking and equipped me with the skills with which I am striving to tackle how the Financial System can support the transition to a low carbon economy.”
Mark Thompson, HSBC Bank UK Pension Scheme

Chief Investment Officer, HSBC Bank UK Pension Scheme
“It was at an A4S meeting where the idea of incorporating climate change risk mitigation into the Trustee of a pension scheme’s Statement of Investment Principles was first discussed.”
Denise Le Gal, Brunel Pension Partnership

Chair, Brunel Pension Partnership
Member, A4S Asset Owners Network
“We are grateful to His Royal Highness for his vision and clarity of thought over several decades, which is now culminating in real change across the world.”
John Belgrove, Aon

Senior Partner, Aon
“What happened that evening left an impression with me and with hindsight was an important catalyst in our firm’s commitment to allocate greater resources to environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) related research.”
Shaun Tarbuck, International Cooperative and Mutual Insurance Federation

Chief Executive, International Cooperative and Mutual Insurance Federation
“Your Royal Highness’s vision is vital to changing the current paradigm of the financial world”
Euan Munro, Aviva Investors

Chief Executive Officer, Aviva Investors
“In many ways our whole programme of work on sustainable finance at Aviva has been inspired by His Royal Highness, since he has demonstrated and ensure that these issues matter at the very highest level.”
Paul Smith, CFA Institute

President and Chief Executive Officer, CFA Institute
“As a direct result of the initiatives sponsored by Your Royal Highness, we have increased the content of our curriculum that deals with environmental impact upon corporate valuation.”
A4S aims to work with governments, regulators and policy makers to facilitate the creation of an enabling environment for sustainability. This environment should be underpinned by supportive regulatory and reporting regimes.
Mark Carney, Bank of England

Governor, Bank of England
Chairman, Financial Stability Board (FSB)
“I’m pleased to say that a few years after Your Royal Highness planted the idea, the TCFD now has over 500 supporters around the world, responsible for managing US$100 trillion in assets, with a total market cap of $8 trillion.”
“The support that Your Royal Highness’s initiatives – including A4S and ClimateWise – have provided to the Bank as we have addressed the impact of climate change on our statuary objectives have been invaluable.”
Ranjit Singh, International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)

Vice Chairman, International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), and Chairman, Securities Commission Malaysia
Former member, International Integrated Reporting Council
“The efforts spearheaded by The Prince’s Accounting for Sustainability Project (A4S) in building more resilient businesses and a sustainable economy has been instrumental in facilitating much needed change to integrate sustainability into business strategies, corporate reporting, financial practices and investment decision making.”
Jane Diplock AO, Singapore Exchange and Deputy Chair

Director, Singapore Exchange and Deputy Chair, International Integrated Reporting Council Board (IIRC), Former Chairman of the Executive Committee, International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)
David Watkins, International Federation of Accountants (IFAC)

Technical Advisor, International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), and Chair of CIPFA’s Accounting and Auditing Standards Panel
Former Head of Financial Reporting Policy, HM Treasury
“I am convinced Your Royal Highness’s A4S project has started to make a difference in the public sector and I am proud to have been able to play a small role in it.”
Ashley Ian Alder, International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)

Chairman, International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), and Chief Executive Officer of the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission
Sir David Tweedie, International Valuation Standards (IVS) Council

Chairman, International Valuation Standards (IVS) Council
Former Chairman, International Accounting Standards Board, and Founding member, International Integrated Reporting Council
“Integrated reporting and sustainability reporting has increased exponentially in recent years, largely as a result of the push Your Royal Highness gave the initiative in its early stages.”
Hans Hoogervorst, International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)

Chairman, International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)
Member, International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC)
“When I started in his role, the possible financial relevance of sustainability issues was not yet subject to the Board’s consideration. However, the work of A4S and the establishment of initiatives such as the International Integrated Reporting Council have contributed to discussions about the Board’s role in this field.”
Robert Herz, Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)

Former Chairman, Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
Former member, International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC)
Martine Durand, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Chief Statistician and Director of Statistics Directorate, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
“Attending the conference [Measure What Matters] reinforced my long-held conviction that the OECD must continue to put well-being and sustainability at the core of its work if we are to fulfil our mission to promote ‘better policies for better lives’.”
H.E. Razan Al Mubarak, Environment Agency Abu Dhabi (EAD)

Secretary General, Environment Agency Abu Dhabi (EAD)
Pavan Sukhdev, W.W.F. International

Founder and Chief Executive Officer, GIST Advisory
President, W.W.F. International; UN TEEB Study Leader and Founding Member, the Natural Capital Coalition
“Your Royal Highness’s frequent insistence that society should measure what matters, and manage the challenge of our times using metrics that are appropriate for the 21st century rather than a much earlier era, was one of the inspirations for my early work on “green accounting”.”
Richard Howitt, International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC)

Chief Executive Officer, International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC)
Former Member of the European Parliament and rapporteur for Corporate Social Responsibility
“It was at the meeting you convened in 2010 at St James’s Palace that the hearts and minds of these individuals, including myself, were won over and the decision to convene the IIRC took hold.”
A4S collaborates with Business Schools and Universities from around the world, to integrate sustainability into finance and accounting research and education.
Professor Sir Andrew Likierman, London Business School

Dean and Professor of Management Practice, London Business School
Former member of A4S Steering Committee
“I am including material gathered by the A4S initiative and thus disseminating the fruits of the initiative to tomorrow’s business leaders in more than 60 countries.”
Professor Jeffrey Unerman, Lancaster University Management School

Professor of Sustainability Accounting, Lancaster University Management School
Member of the A4S Expert Panel
“The work of A4S in engaging with business schools has inspired academics to broaden their horizons by introducing sustainability accounting into their curricular and research programmes.”
Professor Andrew Karolyi, Cornell SC Johnson College of Business

Executive Editor, Review of Financial Stuides
Deputy Dean and College Dean for Academic Affairs, Cornell SC Johnson College of Business
“Allow me to close my letter by thanking His Royal Highness for the inspiration to do my part to advance scholarship on the important topic of Climate Finance”
Professor Nelson Carvalho, University of São Paulo School of Economics, Administration and Accountancy

Chair of the Board, Petrobas, and Professor, University of São Paulo School of Economics, Administration and Accountancy, Former member, A4S Advisory Council, Former member, International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC)
Professor Richard Blundell, Rotman School of Management

Adjunct Professor, Rotman School of Management
Member of the A4S Expert Panel
Professor Timothy O’Riordan OBE, University of East Anglia,

Emeritus Professor of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia,
Former member of A4S Steering Committee, Project Board, Advisory Group, and Executive Board